
Facebook will use Artificial Intelligence to Detect Hatred and Incitement to Terrorism

AI vs Terrorism

The Facebook site revealed Thursday that it is intensifying the use of AI to transform the social networking site into a "hostile place" for extremists trying to spread hate messages.

Pressure is growing on Facebook and other Internet giants, accused of not doing enough and delaying action to crack down on hate speech and those who seek to recruit jihadists through their platforms.

"We want to become Facebook," said Mike Fisht, director of Facebook policy at Monica Beckett and director of counter-terrorism policy at the site, Brian Fishman. "Facebook is committed to dealing with this issue directly, "We believe that technology, including Facebook, can be part of the solution."

They stressed that the site seeks to automate the process of identifying, removing, and removing any content related to the organization of Daqash, al-Qaeda and other extremist organizations. For example, AI may be used to determine if a video or image was published that matches other images or recordings. Previously removed from the social networking site, which has nearly two billion users and employs more than 80 languages.

The blog noted that Facebook is studying techniques that can understand the language well enough to identify words or phrases that praise or support terrorism. The social networking site also uses a program to try to uncover terrorism-related publications, pages and accounts.

According to Facebook, it is more able to monitor the accounts of fake created by "frequent criminals", who were banned from the site because of their dissemination of extremist content, and extends these efforts to other applications of Facebook, including Watts-Up and InStagram, According to Beckett and Fishman.

Since AI can not capture everything, and sometimes makes mistakes, Facebook increases its staff. Previously, it announced that it would appoint 3,000 staff to follow up and remove the violent video content.

"We are continuously familiar with new routes used by terrorists to try to circumvent our systems and modernize our tactics in line with that," the managers said.

Last month, leaders of the Group of Seven (G-7) issued a joint appeal to Internet service providers and social networking companies to intensify their fight against extremist content transmitted over the Internet.

Artificial intelligence will be our best companion

Computers and human beings are very different in how they think about the world, says Carlos Guestrin, founder of Dato for artificial intelligence and data analysis. He believes that this relationship will have many effects, including positive and negative, but most of them positive, where there will be some kind of symbiotic relationship between humans and technology.

It is true that some people suffer from technology, such as mobile devices, but we do not deny that they made our lives better. People became more communicative and access to information was easier than before.


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