
Secrets of the Black Bean (Nigella Sativa) around the World

black coriander, black bean, black cumin, black grain, Nigella Sativa

The Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) urged to treat the black grain. Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrated in the Book of Medicine, Ibn Majah, Ahmad and others from the hadeeth (Hadeeth mean advices of prophet Mohammad for all muslims ) of Abu Hurayrah. He said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ( The black grain cure from all diseases except Death ).
My Readers These words have been spoken since 1440 years and now I have reviewed with you some of what science and medicine have discovered about the strength of the black bean in the treatment of various diseases and also some mixtures for home use.

Habbat Al Barakah (Nigella Sativa)

The pill has been used for thousands of years in medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, and cooking.

Planting is often found in Eastern Europe, South Asia and the Middle East.

It is known as black coriander, black bean or black cumin, black grain and its public name is Nigella Sativa.

The poppy bushes are characterized by their purple and white flowers.

The black bean was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun, indicating that it has been used since antiquity.

The pill has been used in the treatment of various diseases such as headaches, tooth pain, nasal congestion, intestinal worms, and has been used to treat parasites. Currently, seeds are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases including gasses, colic, diarrhea, constipation and hemorrhoids.

It is also used in the treatment of some respiratory diseases including asthma, allergies, cough, bronchitis, influenza, and swine flu.

Some scientific evidence suggests that the Barella bean has an effect on immunity, cancer resistance, pregnancy control, and reduction of allergic reactions through its antihistamine role. However, there are not enough studies to prove these benefits.

Cholesterol Reduction

Studies on the efficacy of black seeds are inconsistent with the reduction of high blood cholesterol. Some studies suggest that 1 gram of seeds of broccoli twice a day before meals for 4 weeks reduces levels of triglyceride, bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood, but some other research showed a different outcome. There was no improvement in cholesterol levels in patients who ate 1 gram of biloba powder twice daily for 6 weeks.

Treatment of sore throat

The study found that eating a combination of Chanca Piedra and 7 days of oral ponds relieves congestion in people with sore throat and swollen tonsils.

Promote hair and skin health (Read the blends of Black bean for hair)

Here are some of the situations that black bean extracts can help cure or improve
acne:A two-month topical solution of 10% of the seed oil has significantly contributed to the alleviation of acne, according to the Journal of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery. % Of study participants are satisfied with the final result.

Hair moisturizing: The seed oil can be used to soften the hair and add vitality to it.

Psoriasis: The topical use of pomegranate oil helps to reduce the appearance of psoriasis plaques.

Softening the skin: Pond oil has many cosmetic benefits, making it a component added to many oils and moisturizers for the skin. 
( See the useful tips for hair )

Healing wounds: Borage oil helps reduce inflammation and the presence of bacteria accelerates the process of healing wounds, and 
it stimulates growth factors in the body to recreate a healthy and healthy skin.

Reduce epileptic seizures

Several studies have suggested that taking oral biloba extract every eight hours for 4 weeks may reduce the number of epileptic seizures in children with it.

Improve the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema

Several studies have indicated that there is an effective effect of rosacea oil on dermatitis. Some studies have found that taking products containing aloe vera, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and biotin Oral administration daily may improve symptoms in people with dermatitis and itching, while some studies did not have a positive effect in patients who used an ointment made up of 15% of the oil of the pond powder on top of the skin for 4 weeks.

Blood pressure 

Studies have found that taking the biloba extract twice a day for 8 weeks may lead to a slight improvement in blood pressure in some cases. Eating two months of biloba extract has also reduced blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

Improving Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Taking oral rosemary seed oil may help reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Relieving Asthma

Symptoms Anorexia helps relieve symptoms of asthma, as it possesses several anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in reducing complications of asthma and reducing bronchial infections.

Reducing gastric disorders

Borage oil helps reduce gas, stomach bloating, and prevention of gastrointestinal ulcers. (The Fruit of legends for stomach )

Side effects 

Although the pill oil has many benefits of liver function, consuming a large amount of it can be detrimental to the liver, so it is best to consult your doctor to determine the appropriate dose in the event of health problems in the liver and kidney, or if Take one of the drugs regularly, as it is possible to increase the oil of the blessing of the blessing of the effect of drugs as it follows the same path taken by 90% of the drugs commonly used.

Black Bean OIL Benefits

It has also been found that perennial oil is effective in promoting menstruation and increasing milk production. For most diseases, the recommended daily dose is one teaspoon per day and can be used topically on the chest to treat respiratory problems.

Blends & Mixtures with Black Bean

1. Face mask to remove dead skin:

the ingredients :
2 tablespoons oil of the blessing seed
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
All ingredients are mixed together until a paste is formed and placed on the face and leave for at least 20 minutes, then rinse the face with lukewarm water.

2. Treatment of cough and asthma:

The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of rosacea oil helps to treat the symptoms of severe asthma and coughing by expanding the airways.

For the treatment of asthma, mix a teaspoon of borage oil with honey in boiled water and inhaled steam twice a day.

For dry cough, mix a teaspoon of rosemary oil in a glass of ginger tea with a teaspoon of honey, and drink it twice a day.

For other types of coughs, massage a small amount of borage oil on the chest.

iHerb WW

For Natural oils and rare products for hair and skin care







for black cumin and nigella sativa






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