
The Fruit of Legends

Fruit of legends and gods

Kaka, or khaki, or perrysimin, which is one of the oldest fruit species, was first known in Japan. 
The Greeks also called it the fruit of the gods. The cultivation of these fruits is spread throughout Asia, Turkey , And its sweet taste, as well as contain many nutrients, and can be eaten fresh or dried, and can be used in the preparation of jam and juices, and all other foods have the benefits and damage will mention in this article. The nutritional value of Kaka fruit contains many elements that have made them of great nutritional value, the most important of which are sugars such as :
glucose, fructose, protein, fiber, fat, iodine, lead, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and antioxidants. 
Good for calories that supply the body with the necessary energy. 

The Benefits of Kaka Fruit :

1- eliminate cancer cells in the colon and prostate, preventing the number of others. 
2- Reduce the chances of heart attacks because they contain pectin. 3- Reduce stress, feel lazy and stress. 
4- Reduce hair loss. 
5- Fight bacteria, and microbes that attack the digestive system.    6- Relieve headache, numbness and limb. 
7- Resistance to intestinal infection, and dysentery. 
8- Treatment of bladder, urinary tract infections. 
9- Treatment of insomnia, especially in children. 
10- Balancing the levels of blood pressure in the body. 
11- Treatment of thyroid disorders, which is excessive activity or laziness, which affects the body weight. 
12- Maintain skin vitality, thus delaying the onset of early aging symptoms. 
13- Treatment of respiratory infections.
14- Protection from hardening of the arteries of the heart.
15- Reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
16- Rid the body of toxins, and strengthen its immune system. 
17- Extinguish thirst, and moisturize the body especially in hot weather. 
18- Activate the wall of the stomach, and protect it from infection and ulcers. 
19- Rejuvenate the skin cells and make it smoother by stimulating the production of collagen fibers and elastin.
 20- Promotes blood circulation in the area surrounding the eye, thus relieving the appearance of dark circles. 
21- Remove skin spots, scars, and pimples by using them in different recipes. 
22- Maintain eye health.
23-  Promote the production of red blood cells; for containing vitamin B complex, copper. 

Fruit of legends and gods2

Kaka fruit damage 

1- provides the body with a large amount of calories, leading to weight gain, and the combination of fat and laxity in the body. 
2- Increase blood sugar; because it contains a good proportion of glucose . 
3-The incidence of health disorders in the body as a result of the excessive intake.

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