
The Best Programming Languages for Learn in 2019

The Best Programming Languages for Learn in 2019

The Best Programming Languages for Learn in 2019

In an ideal world, your choice of programming language does not matter. Most common languages ​​share the same basic concepts. For the unskilled eye most look similar, and allow you to achieve the same result in one way or another.

But from the point of view of developers and experts, programming language is an important tool. Choosing the right language for you will have the most impact on your career, your economic prospects and your future happiness.

This article examines five programming languages ​​and is the most common, examining their individual and relative advantages of course, and recommending which one you should learn in 2019.

For beginners, the choice of coding language (we mean encoding in this article programming or coding) involves making multiple and critical choices. You will need to find a balance between the time spent learning and the effort you will make and the benefits expected from that language.

You will also need to take a look at the long-term prospects of any given language before making a decision. For example, for web developers in the early 2000s (early 2000s), PHP and Ruby on Rails appeared to be the best languages ​​to enhance their careers. But today is not so, the prevailing market conditions have changed, PHP and Ruby are not among our recommendations now.

This article provides you with our choice of the best coding or programming languages ​​to learn in 2019. For each language, we will try to give you a brief overview of the language, its uses, and its long-term prospects.

We also provide a list of references to some of the languages ​​that deserve research but are more specialized or serve specific and very specific market areas. To show the market share of each language and adopt it. We chose this according to a Stack Overflow rating. With many specialized developers in 2018.

One of the main reasons for learning a new language is the ability to take advantage of the jobs you offer. Encoding interviews in high-tech companies are an opportunity for employers to learn how well you know your language. To show the types of questions that may be posed during the coding interview, we have presented a set of possible questions for each of our recommendations.

Please note that our list is based on a Stack Overflow survey as noted, but we have arranged the languages ​​we recommend learning more. In addition, we limited our choices to the most pressing languages, with the exception of tariff languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, and SQL that take second, third and fourth place positions in the survey and scripting languages, such as Bash.

1: JavaScript

According to the 2018 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 71.5% of professional developers classify JavaScript as the most popular programming language. This is a significant increase compared to 2015 when only 54.4% of developers rated JavaScript as the most popular programming language.

One reason for this jump is that JavaScript is everywhere. On the part of customers, you can use front-end JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue to create browser-based web applications.

Outside the browser, Node.js lets you write your own background applications in the same language you use to type your client code. With Node, you can write web services, Internet things (IoT), and automated learning experience (ML).

One of the key factors for selecting JavaScript in all other languages ​​is its broad support across the software industry - including the huge efforts of technology giants such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

You can also find a huge collection of free and paid courses, websites, books, videos, and blogs that cover the language along with every theme you can imagine.

For JavaScript, JavaScript was considered an ugly duck for programming languages. Although it has never become a beautiful swan, as in the children's story, the JavaScript community has made good efforts to convert it from a browser-based text language into a modern, versatile language.

Over time, many JavaScript hacks have been skipped, but some still exist.

Note that for JavaScript, many potential employers will build their assessment of potential candidates during the coding interview on their knowledge of the most obscure JavaScript features.

Common cryptographic interview questions include variable range, closures, callbacks, and operators. Anyone looking for a job that includes JavaScript should be prepared for these questions and similar questions.

We also recommend identifying the companies you want to work with, researching their own development group, and showing your skills in a relevant modern framework, such as React, Angular, or Vue.

2: Python

According to the Stack Overflow survey, Python Python is popular with 37.9% of professional developers. Our assessment is based on the rapid adoption rate of Python, which has grown faster than any other language in the last five years.

Python became so influential that the Economist, a magazine not known for its coverage of programming-related issues, wrote about the language in an article.

One of the reasons behind Python's popularity is that it got rid of the nagging conventions of other languages, such as using semicolons to point to the end of a statement.

This may be explained by Python replacing Java as the primary language of instruction and teaching computer science, not only in universities but in high school and primary school programs as well.

Python has become well established in the academic world and is the most popular language for general purposes used in automated learning and data science. In fact, Python is currently dominant in these areas and has been proposing a merger between Python and the language of R data science recently.

3: Java

Comes third in Java, which is favored by 45.5% of professional developers according to a survey of the 2018 Stack Overflow mentioned above.

Java Java is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM makes it possible to run each language on different platforms and devices. Java is also designed to handle many of the tasks related to data types and memory management that have made developers' lives miserable.

Java's ability to simplify, develop and deploy applications across different operating systems has made it the preferred language for large enterprises.

This is the language that can make you get a steady job in a big company. Another important use of Java is the creation of native Android applications. With the Android Market share larger than all of its competitors combined. As a smartphone operating system, this is a major incentive for many developers to learn Java.

In recent years, a number of common languages ​​have been created or transferred to JVM and widely used for the Java system. These languages ​​are common in specific contexts and include Scala, Closure and Kotlin.

Kotlin has a number of interesting uses, including the creation of Android applications that bring a lot of money to their owners. It also helps to create smart contracts with the Corda window.

When looking for a job as a developer of Java, it is important to understand the language range. Programming interviews can consist of any Java-related topic. For enterprise development functions, you may need to show your understanding of Java infrastructure, so expect questions on JDK, JRE, and JVM.

Questions will be asked about Android developers that are specifically related to the Android system, including SDK, target management, device emulation, and application deployment. If you are interviewing a company that runs a JVM language other than Java, sharpening your skills in this language can also provide an advantage for your acceptance as an employee.

4: C # Sharp 

35.5% of the professional developers who conducted the Stack Overflow survey of 2018 are fans of Microsoft and C #.

Not only is Python and Java ranked higher than Sharp #C, Bash scripting language is also popular among 40.4% of developers, although many developers dislike all things coming from Microsoft.

C Sharp
In today's market, Java is still better than Sharp, but in the long term, there are signs that this may change. Java introduced new features, while Microsoft added new features and capabilities to C #.

This is part of the company's commendable effort to move away from its Windows operating system, including the acquisition of Xamarin, the cross-platform development environment, the multi-platform .NET version, and its continued investment in Azure.

Microsoft believes that #C plays a role in its new strategy and has worked hard to ensure that C # can work with both Microsoft's technology and industry standards as well.

Such as Java, the C # language and the system in which you operate are enormous. This means that for any position you make, it is important that you do your job and understand the potential employer's market.

Like Java, most coding interviews in C # will consist of C # infrastructure questions, including the .Net Framework and CLR. It should also be noted that CLR hosts other languages, such as F # and VB.net.

If you are interviewing a company that uses another CLR language as well as C Sharp language, it is worth learning and coding in that language.

# 5: C + Plus Plus C ++
While C and C ++ are separate languages ​​with different software models, they are closely related, and for the purposes of this article, we will discuss them together. Such as milk and its derivatives.

5: C Plus Plus

For general purposes and specialized tasks, such as application development, user interfaces, mobile applications, and automated learning, C has been replaced in other languages ​​in this list. However, C still maintains its position when it comes to embedded systems and operating systems.

Nothing illustrates this point better than Linux. Linux, the most popular operating system of all time, used in the largest major windows as well as any device running Android. The main part of Linux is Linux kernel, the Linux kernel language is C.

Another common use of C is the writing of other programming languages, such as our second choice, Python.

C ++ is a more recent version of C. C ++ is the language used in any application when it comes to performance. For example, many companies, especially in the financial sector, use them in their back-end systems for performance.

C ++ has been adopted for both boring things and some of the most exciting technology areas. Because of its high-speed reputation, C ++ is the preferred language for graphical applications, including game development, graphics engines, and enhanced virtual reality.

When looking for a job in C or C ++, you will be asked some questions about both languages. These include data types, operators, loops, conditional statements, indicators and memory management.

You may also be asked to define and explain linked lists as well as write a short program that executes and manages a linked list. Because C ++ is a language of things directed, there is a high probability that similar questions will be asked regarding its support for things, chapters, methods, characteristics, etc.

Important recommendations

The five options on our list are all public languages. Below are many other languages ​​that are more specialized or serve Niche niche markets.

One of the most popular languages ​​is Apple's Swift. Swift was intended to be the new generic Apple language and was designed as an alternative to Objective-C.

Swift can be used to write iOS and Mac applications for desktop computers and has been released by Apple under an open source license in the hope of becoming a server language. Unfortunately, this hope has not been achieved.

In the web development area, PHP is still very popular. Despite its limitations as a language and the availability of better alternatives, PHP is still used by many large websites, such as Facebook and Wikipedia. So Facebook created its own PHP syntax called Hack. PHP is also the language used by many large open source platforms, such as WordPress and MediaWiki.

These platforms have wide adoption, and PHP is used to create additional components for each. Facebook is still committed to PHP and has created its own modern version of the language called Hack. Then there is Ruby, a modern alternative and better designed for PHP. The Ruby on Rails web development framework is widely deployed and enjoys a large and active support community.

For more specialized uses, such as system programming, Google, Go, and Mozilla's Rust seem to be seriously expecting. Both languages ​​are designed to build highly synchronized systems.

In functional programming, Elixir is a new alternative to Erlang, Clojure is a modern form of Lisp running on JVM, and F # is a functional language running on .NET runtime and has many key features. Finally, if you're interested in the fast-growing arena for smart contracts and Etherium-based encrypted currencies, you should check Solidity.

For sealing: Select the correct language for learning

Of the five languages ​​we looked at, how would you choose the right language for you? Based on current trends, the best general-purpose language with a wide range of applications:

Is a JavaScript. You can run on most devices and use them to create client and server applications. Over the past decade, JavaScript has been developed and has a lot in common with modern languages ​​such as C # and Lisp. Yes, they still contain some rough edges and obstacles, but they are not as prominent as they were before.

Our second choice, Python, is the best choice for developers who are interested in the long run of their careers. As we have noted, it has become the language used for research and education. It is also the dominant language in fields related to computer learning, artificial intelligence and data science.

When it comes to building user interfaces, JavaScript has a great advantage over Python. Over time, however, this feature may become less important.

For beginners, the Web aggregation standard lets you use any high-level language to write browser-based applications.

In addition, if user-based user interfaces reach universal acceptance, graphical user interfaces will become less important.

In the corporate world, you'll need to choose between Java and C #. Both languages ​​are similar to context, features, and infrastructure so you can really choose between them based on personal preference, job availability, or currency conversion.

As we have seen, Java was stronger than C #, which is more popular, and has more functionality. On the other hand, Microsoft's active support and drive to make C # a real cross platform solution makes it a better bet in the long term.

Java remains the language of Android, but Xamarin from Microsoft lets you write Android, iOS, and Mac apps in C #. Please note that C # has a bad reputation in the startup community and it is not very popular in the Silicon Valley. In these circles, C # developers are treated as second-class developers.

It is also important to realize that when applying for a computer job in Sharp or Java, interviewers will focus on your ability to create background applications in any language rather than specific language features.

When you mark up a solution, you are expected to write a code, where you can show your knowledge of language features while solving real-world problems.

Finally, both C and C ++ are general-purpose languages, but in practice, they are used primarily in specific fields. For C, used for integrated systems and software; and C ++, for high-performance and resource-intensive applications such as instantaneous graphs.

Both are used in situations where there are no clear alternatives to the desired completion, and you must learn these languages ​​when you need to create these types of applications.

Most importantly, when entering into a coding interview, make sure you know the ins and outs of any language that applies to the job you are applying to.

Codec interviews are a cumbersome part of the submission process, but adhering to the language benefits, limitations and applications being prepared will make the interview or the dream job search much easier.

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